Arty is my middle name

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Meet The Artist

Jennifer Salvage

Inspiration for the name of my studio comes from my Grandmother, after whom I was given the name ‘Arty’. It’s unusual, but it was strangely prescient and I’m really proud of it.

ArtyJRS is my creative business, which came about after having a play and experiment with a digital tablet, and falling in love with how versatile and flexible a medium it is. I have previously used watercolours and acrylic paints, and am an award-winning ceramicist. Whilst my CV contains science degrees, I have always had a creative streak. During the 2020 lockdown, I was unable to get to my usual studio for access to these mediums and began looking into other ways to keep busy. I started creating portraits of pets for friends and family to cheer them up through an otherwise difficult time. This was a natural progression from my often very animal based sculpture work, which I hope to be able to feature on here again soon. Requests came in for digital commissions, prints and presents for other individuals, so here we are!

This has perfectly combined my love for art and animals, and given me a platform to jump off and experiment with other subjects and styles and to keep making people smile by showing off all the personalities of our beloved pets.

As an independent artist, every enquiry, sale and online visit means the world to me, so a big thank you, and welcome to you all.

Ready to browse?

Have a look at what’s available here

Wrapping Paper

Wrapping Paper

I’ve recently had a lot of fun collaborating with the wonderful small business ‘Planet Wrap It’

My designs are currently featured on their kraft wrapping paper

From doughnuts to dogs!

Check out their website for all my designs, and for more info on their brilliant eco credentials

Interested in your own commissioned piece?

Please do get in contact to discuss, I love a new project

Recent Projects

Follow me on Instagram to keep up to date with what’s going on in my studio

I also sculpt with clay. I started off as a ceramicist, and whenever possible I’m creating animal based sculpture.


These pieces are not currently featured on this site, but if you’re interested, please click below to have a look at some previous and currently available work.

As I’m currently unable to get into the studio, this is not being added to much at the moment, but you can keep an eye on my Instagram for updates, or use my contact form or email to get in touch about any commissions you might like.